Friday, November 17, 2017


Why FidentiaX?

FidentiaX the world’s first marketplace for tradable insurance policies, will be a membership-based ecosystem focusing on the key stakeholders:
Policyholders –Providing a liquidity alternative to existing policyholders through a transparent, fair and efficient platform which allows tokenization of their existing policies.
Buyers –Developing a trustless marketplace for buyers exploring tradable policies as part of their investment portfolio by leveraging on blockchain technology and its benefits to provide a secured transactional ecosystem. Our platform features will be designed and developed with these member stakeholders’ needs as a guiding principle. fidentiaX members’ platform will provide the following features depending on the membership category

Detailed review:

FidentiaX, found online at, aims to be the world’s first marketplace for tradable insurance policies.
Today, a growing number of people are choosing to sell their insurance policies. You can sell your insurance policy to a third party instead of surrendering it to your insurer at a low value. This is particularly common in the life insurance world. Someone might grow older and realize they don’t need a life insurance policy. Their children might be well setup financially, for example. In this case, someone offers to buy their insurance policy for more than what the insurance company was going to pay for surrendering the policy, but less than what the final settlement will be.
There are some problems with this so-called life insurance settlement industry. FidentiaX wants to solve those problems.

What Problems Does FidentiaX Seek to Solve?

FidentiaX knows there’s a demand for an insurance marketplace where customers can buy and sell policies. However, there are some problems with today’s industry:

No Recognized Marketplace:

Currently, sellers struggle to find interested buyers. Buyers do not have access to available policies and are restricted by their region of residence.

No Assurance:

Buyers need to place trust in a secondary market provider. The current practice requires the buyer to pay in advance and trust that the policy will be transferred.


Both buyers and sellers need to be physically present at the insurer’s office in order to transfer policies.

Policyholders Lose Money:

Policyholders face a challenge. They can either surrender their policy at existing cash value, as determined by the insurer, in exchange for losing their protection. Or, they can secure a fully collateralized loan from their insurer at an interest rate of 5 to 7% per year, secured by their existing policy.

How Does FidentiaX Work?

How does FidentiaX plan to solve the problems listed above? The company envisions a blockchain-based platform that facilitates a four-step transaction between insurance policy buyers and sellers.
The FidentiaX platform is built on a customized version of the NXT blockchain. Here are the four steps involved in a transaction on the blockchain:

Step 1) Listing:

Policyholders can list their tradeable insurance policies on the platform. Policyholders who want to make money from their policy will submit the policy to FidentiaX’s blockchain-powered platform, then gain access to ready buyers on the platform. Buyers can then browse the available policies and choose any policies that meet their investment objects.

Step 2) Offering:

Interested buyers complete the relevant documentation and deposit funds to the platform. Sellers will be notified that funds are secured, and then the relevant documentation is transmitted.

Step 3) Submission:

The seller, armed with the assurance that funds are in place, goes to the insurance company to complete the transfer of policy to the new owner. The seller receives documented proof that the policy has been transferred.

Step 4) Complete:

Sellers upload the documented proof of the transfer onto the FidentiaX blockchain. That proof will then be verified. Upon verification, documentation is transferred to the buyer while funds are simultaneously released to the seller.

FidentiaX Features

FidentiaX plans to offer the following features and modules available on the platform:

Policy Ledger:

The FidentiaX policy ledger breaks from the traditional reliance on intermediaries by creating a digital ledger for policyholders. That ledger consolidates and manages your insurance policies on a distributed ledger, creates an immutable record of your policies on the blockchain, and completes other blockchain-based transactions.

Listing of Policies for Tokenization:

FidentiaX will have a database of tokenized policies across the industry, including endowment, whole life, universal, key-man, investment-linked, annuity, and more.

Members Auction:

The FidentiaX members auction allows users to bid themselves a policy. Investors can use this feature to effectively add a policy to their portfolio as an investment strategy.

Marketplace for Tradeable Policy Purchases:

The FidentiaX marketplace allows users to browse available tradeable policies for purchase, or filter policies based on criteria like tenure, yield at maturity, amount, and more.

Custodian Services:

FidentiaX allows buyers to find custodian services – say, if they want someone to take care of a policy until it’s reaches maturity.

Portfolio Builder:

The FidentiaX portfolio builder is a bespoke service for buyers interested in customizing and building a portfolio of tradeable insurance policies. FidentiaX will provide professional services for that portfolio, including sourcing, validation, and the transfer of the desired policies.

Who’s Behind FidentiaX?

FidentiaX is led by co-founders Alvin Ang and Douglas Goh. Ang is a multi-disciplined entrepreneur with extensive experience in technology, engineering, banking, and insurance. Goh is a blockchain enthusiast with 15+ years of experience in banking, M&A, and fintech.
FidentiaX is based in Singapore.
The idea for FidentiaX began in May 2016. The concept and development of the platform took form throughout 2016 and 2017. The company’s crowdsale is scheduled for November 2017, with the launch of the FidentiaX Membership Marketplace occurring in February 2018.
The initial goal of the company is to build its brand within Asia before executing a global expansion strategy. Key initial targets include Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore.

The FidentiaX Token Sale

The FidentiaX platform will use three different types of tokens, including tokens available in the crowdsale (fdX), currency representation tokens (eBTC, eTH, eUSD, etc.), and platform unified tokens (ISX).
The fdX tokens are available through the crowdsale. There’s a total of 100 million fdX tokens available through the sale. 1 ETH = 500 fdX throughout the sale, although bonuses are available on days 1 through 5.
The token sale was announced on October 16. Here are other important dates you need to know about:
  • October 20: Start of private contribution round (pre-sale)
  • November 5: End of private contribution round
  • November 6: Start of public contribution round (crowdsale)
  • December 5: End of public contribution round

FidentiaX Conclusion

FidentiaX is building an insurance marketplace built on blockchain technology. That marketplace aims to provide a more secure and convenient experience to insurance policyholders who wish to sell their policies for cash, or for anyone who wants to add insurance policies to their portfolio.
Today, there isn’t really a marketplace for insurance policy buyers or sellers – which is why FidentiaX sees an opportunity.

Advantages to clients (investors):

  • One-time opportunity to become an investor with no minimum amount to invest
  • Very strong, clear and innovative concept based on serious background and experience
  • Powerful and highly-experienced team of project
  • $1.1 mln already raised

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